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September marks the return to school for many children and young adults around the world. For readers here at Faded Page, it could mean a return to fictional school series, some beloved from our own childhoods and others new to discover.
In September 2021, we had featured a few of the popular series that we offer, and we repeat them here:
We are pleased to add a new author of juvenile school series: Dorita Fairlee Bruce (1885-1970), a Scottish children who wrote the popular Dimsie series among others. We have recently added The School on the Moor, set in Dartmoor and published in 1931. We are currently working on adding more of Bruce’s novels to our collection.
You can find a list of all our school stories here. You can help us in our endeavour to complete these series by volunteering to proofread a few pages. For more information, go to Distributed Proofreaders Canada.
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