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Authors with last name starting with L

L'Estrange, Charles James 27
La Chance, W. W. 1
La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich de 1
La Prade, Ernest 2
Lagerlöf, Selma 1
Lamb, Harold 6
Lamb, Walter 1
Lambert, Constant 1
Lambton, John George 3
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton 10
Landauer, Gustav 1
Lander, Edgar 1
Landon, Fred 35
Landsberger, Artur 2
Landseer, Edwin Henry 1
Lane, John 1
Lane, Rose Wilder 1
Lang, Andrew 9
Lang, Jean 1
Lanigan, George Thomas 1
Lankes, J. J. (Julius John) 2
Lanman, Charles 15
Larcom, Lucy 60
Lardner, Ring 1
Larsen, Henry (Henry Asbjörn) 1
Larsson, Carl 1
LaRue, Hubert 1
LaSalle, Charles 3
Lash, Zebulon Aiton 1
Laski, Harold Joseph 1
László, Philip Alexius de 1
Lathrop, Gilbert A. 1
Lauder, Sir Harry 1
Laughlin, J. E. 1
Laurence, John 1
Laut, Agnes Christina 14
Lavond, Paul Dennis 1
Lawler, James 1
Lawrence, Frieda von Richthofen 1
Lawrence, Gertrude 1
Lawrence, T. Cromwell 1
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward) 3
Lawrence, Thomas 1
Lawson, James Gilchrist 1
Lawson, Robert 3
Lay, Eleanor H. 13
Lay, Robert W. 8
Le Blond, Mrs. Aubrey 1
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan 7
Le Fanu, William Richard 1
Le Feuvre, Amy 5
Le May, Alan 7
Le May, Pamphile 5
Le Moine, Sir James MacPherson 2
Le Queux, William 2
Le Sueur, William D. 1
Leach, John 1
Leacock, Stephen Butler 78
Learned, Arthur Garfield 1
Leavitt, Thad. W. H. (Thaddeus William Henry) 1
Leblanc, Maurice 16
Lee, Edward Edson 17
Lee, Holme 2
Lee, Vernon 7
Leech, John 1
Leeming, Joseph 1
Lefevre, Lily Alice Cooke 1
Leichtentritt, Hugo 1
Leigh, Howard 4
Leighton, Robert 3
Leitz, Ernst 1
Lejzerowicz, Izrael 2
Leland, Charles Godfrey 1
Leprohon, Madame (Rosanna Eleanor) 1
Leslie, Emma 1
Lester, Irvin 2
Levy, Newman 1
Lewi, Charlotte Armstrong 7
Lewis, Allen 1
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) 40
Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman 1
Lewis, John 1
Lewis, R. G. 1
Lewis, Sinclair 14
Lewis, Wyndham 14
Ley, Arthur Gordon 1
Leydenfrost, Alexander 2
Lichnowsky, Mechtild 1
Lichnowsky, Prince Karl Max 1
Liddell, C. H. 7
Liebling, A. J. 1
Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw) 3
Lincoln, Joseph Crosby 1
Lindley, Charles, Lord Halifax 1
Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop 1
Lindsay, David 1
Lindsey, Charles 2
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony 30
Linlithgow, Lord 1
Linton, Mrs. Lynn 1
Linton, Ralph 1
Lismer, Arthur 2
Liveright, Horace Brisbin 1
Lloyd, Hugh 13
Lloyd, Stanley 5
Locke, William J. (William John) 12
Lockhart, John Gilbert 1
Lockridge Jr., Ross 1
Lodge, Henry Cabot 1
Löfgren, Albert 1
Lofting, Hilary 2
Lofting, Hugh 15
Logan, John Daniel 1
London, Jack (John Griffith) 1
Lonsdale, Frederick 2
Lorac, E. C. R. 15
Loring, Emilie 17
Loti, Pierre 1
Love, James Kerr 1
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips 9
Lovell, Kenneth 2
Low, Albert Peter 2
Low, David Alexander Cecil 1
Lowe-Porter, H. T. 6
Lowndes, Marie Belloc 2
Lowry, Malcolm 2
Lucas, E. V. (Edward Vevrall) 1
Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus) 2
Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood 2
Lugones, Leopoldo 1
Lugrin, Ann de Bertrand 4
Lugrin, N. De Bertrand 3
Lumley, Savile 1
Lyall, Edna 1
Lynde, Francis 2
Lynn, Eliza 1
Lyon, Laurance 1

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