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The Claverton Mystery (Priestley #14)

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Title:The Claverton Mystery (Priestley #14)
Street, Cecil John Charles  Writing under the pseudonym: John Rhode   
(1 of 4 for author by title)
Death in the Tunnel (Desmond Merrion #13)
Published:   1933
Publisher:William Collins Sons & Co.
Tags:crime, detective, fiction, mystery

No. 13 Beaumaris Place was the last remaining private residence in a street long since given up to apartment houses. Dr Lancelot Priestley was all too familiar with its rather gloomy interior, for he had been in the habit of calling there to see its owner, his old friend Sir John Claverton, though circumstances had prevented him from visiting for some time.

When he did at last call again at No. 13 it was to find Sir John ill and his doctor uneasy. On a second visit he was informed that Sir John had died suddenly the day before. The family physician was not the only person to find circumstances which seemed to him suspicious, and after consultation with Dr Priestley there was little doubt in anyone’s mind that Sir John Claverton was poisoned.—Introduction [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:160 Info

Author Bio for Street, Cecil John Charles

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Cecil John Charles Street (3 May 1884 – 8 December 1964), better known as John Street, was a major in the British Army and a crime fiction novelist.

He began his military career as an artillery officer and during World War I, he became a propagandist for MI7. During the Irish War of Independence, he acted as an Information Officer for Dublin Castle alternating between Dublin and London and working closely with the British official Lionel Curtis. He later earned his living as a prolific writer of detective novels written under several pseudonyms including John Rhode, Miles Burton, and Cecil Waye.

John Street wrote three crime detective series; one under the name of John Rhode, mostly featuring the mathematics professor Dr. Lancelot Priestley; another under the name of Miles Burton, mostly featuring the retired naval officer, Desmond Merrion; and a third under the name of Cecil Waye, featuring the Perrins Investigators.

Sources: Wikipedia, classicmystery.blog

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