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Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 8, Section 4, The Dominion: Political Evolution. Part III. Vol 8 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #8)

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Book Details

Title:Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 8, Section 4, The Dominion: Political Evolution. Part III. Vol 8 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #8)
Doughty, Arthur G. (Arthur George), Sir   
(14 of 19 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 9, Section 5, The Dominion: Industrial Expansion. Part I. Vol 9 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #9)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 7, Section 4, The Dominion: Political Evolution. Part II. Vol 7 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #7)
Shortt, Adam   
(13 of 16 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 9, Section 5, The Dominion: Industrial Expansion. Part I. Vol 9 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #9)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 7, Section 4, The Dominion: Political Evolution. Part II. Vol 7 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #7)
Wormwith, N. B.   
White, James   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Mariner of St. Malo: A Chronicle of the Voyages of Jacques Cartier (Chronicles of Canada #2)
Published:   1914
Publisher:Glasgow, Brook & Company
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, non-fiction

Still one of Canada's Essential Reference Books!!

Volume 8 is Section 4, on The Dominion: Political Evolution. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:242 Info

Author Bio for Doughty, Arthur G. (Arthur George), Sir

Author Image

Arthur Doughty (1860-1936) was Chief Archivist of the Archives of Canada from 1904 to 1935. Born in England, he emigrated to Canada in 1886. While serving as a legislative librarian in Quebec he noticed that the precise location of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham was in dispute which drew his attention to the neglected state of Canada's archives. His efforts to improve this oversight brought him to the attention of federal authorities and in 1904 he was appointed as Dominion Archivist and Keeper of the Records. Over the next 31 years, he established the Public Archives of Canada (now called Library and Archives Canada) and greatly increased the collection of historical materials. In addition to his archivist duties, he collaborated with Adam Shortt in the creation of a 23 volume encyclopedia called "Canada and its Provinces" which was issued over four years 1913-1917. He also helped create "Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1759-1791" which was issued in 1918. (Canadian Encyclopedia)

Author Bio for Shortt, Adam

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Adam Shortt (1859-1931) was an economist and a historian. Born near Walkerton, Ontario, he was educated at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and also studied at universities in Glasgow and Edinburgh. He was appointed Professor of Philosophy at Queen's in 1886 and served as the university's first full-time professor of Politics and Economics. In 1908 he was appointed as the chair of the Canadian Civil Service Commission, a body created to reform the Canadian Civil Service. He helped transform the civil service from an inefficient, patronage-ridden body into a professional organization based on progress through merit. He also served as the chair of the Board of Publications at the Public Archives of Canada (now called Library and Archives Canada). He collaborated with chief archivist Arthur Doughty on a 23 volume encyclopedia of Canada, "Canada and its Provinces" (1913-1917) and "Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1759-1791 (1918). (Queen's Encyclopedia, Quebec History Encyclopedia)

Author Bio for White, James

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James White (1863–1928) was a Canadian geographer and cartographer. In 1894 he became the Chief Draftsman for the Geological Survey of Canada. He led a team of cartographers who produced the first edition of the Atlas of Canada in 1906. One of White's maps, a depiction of Jacques Cartier's voyages (1534-42) can be viewed in Volume Two of the Chronicles of Canada. (Ottawa Citizen)

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