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Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 1, Section 1, New France, Part 1. Vol 1 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #1)

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Book Details

Title:Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 1, Section 1, New France, Part 1. Vol 1 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #1)
Reynolds, Joshua   
(1 of 4 for author by title)
The Great Fortress: A Chronicle of Louisbourg 1720-1760 (Chronicles of Canada #8)
Marquis, Thomas Guthrie   
(1 of 4 for author by title)
The Jesuit Missions, A Chronicle of the Cross in the Wilderness (Chronicles of Canada #4)
Chapais, Thomas   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Great Intendant: A Chronicle of Jean Talon in Canada 1665-1672 (Chronicles of Canada #6)
Wood, William Charles Henry   
(2 of 8 for author by title)
The Father of British Canada: A Chronicle of Carleton (Chronicles of Canada #12)
All Afloat: A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways (Chronicles of Canada #31)
Doughty, Arthur G. (Arthur George), Sir   
(2 of 19 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 10, Section 5, The Dominion: Industrial Expansion. Part II. Vol 10 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #10)
The Acadian Exiles: A Chronicle of the Land of Evangeline (Chronicles of Canada #9)
Burpee, Lawrence J.   
(4 of 13 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 4, Section 2, British dominion, 1760-1840. Part II. Vol 4 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #4)
By Canadian Streams
West, Benjamin   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Winning of Canada: A Chronicle of Wolfe (Chronicles of Canada #11)
Cassidy, John   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada and the coming of the White Man (Chronicles of Canada #1)
Shortt, Adam   
(1 of 16 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 10, Section 5, The Dominion: Industrial Expansion. Part II. Vol 10 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #10)
Coyne, James H.   
McLennan, J. S.   
Published:   1914
Publisher:Glasgow, Brook & Company
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, non-fiction

Still one of Canada's Essential Reference Books!!

Volume 1 is the first part of Section 1, on New France, 1534-1760. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:304 Info

Author Bio for Reynolds, Joshua

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Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) was a English portrait artist. He was one of the greatest European painters of the 18th century and was known for his use of the "Grand Manner" of painting which promoted generalization and idealization of the subject rather than an attention to accuracy and detail. (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography)

Author Bio for Marquis, Thomas Guthrie

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Thomas Guthrie Marquis (1864-1936) was a Canadian historian. Born in Chatham, New Brunswick, he graduated from Queen's University in 1889. He worked as a teacher until 1901 before devoting his time to journalism. He worked briefly in Ottawa as an editorial writer with the Ottawa Free Press but went to Toronto where he worked as a freelance writer. He was office editor of Canada and Its Provinces (1914–15), a publication in 32 volumes on the history of Canada. He also published several texts on Canadian history and was also a relatively good poet. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

Author Bio for Chapais, Thomas

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Thomas Chapais (1858-1946) was a French-Canadian politician and journalist. He was born in Saint-Denis in Kamouraska, the son of Jean-Charles Chapais, one of the Fathers of Confederation. He attended the University of Laval and graduated as a lawyer in 1879. He served as a provincial politician for over 50 years in the governments of Taillon and Duplessis. He was in the legislative counsel (1892), senator (1919) and was Canada's delegate to the League of Nations. As a journalist, he wrote for La Presse, Le Vingt-quatre juin, and La Voix du Patriotisme. He was editor-in-chief of the Courier du Canada (1884-1901) and owner of the newspaper (1890-1901). He also wrote several books on Canadian history. The north central town of Chapais is named in his honour (Commission de toponymie, Quebec)

Author Bio for Wood, William Charles Henry

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William Charles Henry Wood (1864-1947) was a Canadian historian. Born in Quebec, he was educated in England and Germany. When he returned to Canada in 1887, he received a commission in the 8th Royal Rifles of Quebec. He stayed in the army until his retirement in 1910 and commanded the regiment from 1907 in the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. After that he achieved more notoriety as a military historian including such books as The Passing of New France: A Chronicle of Montcalm, The Winning of Canada: A Chronicle of Wolfe and The War With the United States: A Chronicle of 1812. (MacMillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography)

Author Bio for Doughty, Arthur G. (Arthur George), Sir

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Arthur Doughty (1860-1936) was Chief Archivist of the Archives of Canada from 1904 to 1935. Born in England, he emigrated to Canada in 1886. While serving as a legislative librarian in Quebec he noticed that the precise location of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham was in dispute which drew his attention to the neglected state of Canada's archives. His efforts to improve this oversight brought him to the attention of federal authorities and in 1904 he was appointed as Dominion Archivist and Keeper of the Records. Over the next 31 years, he established the Public Archives of Canada (now called Library and Archives Canada) and greatly increased the collection of historical materials. In addition to his archivist duties, he collaborated with Adam Shortt in the creation of a 23 volume encyclopedia called "Canada and its Provinces" which was issued over four years 1913-1917. He also helped create "Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1759-1791" which was issued in 1918. (Canadian Encyclopedia)

Author Bio for Burpee, Lawrence J.

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Lawrence Johnston Burpee (1885-1946) was a Canadian author and civil servant. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, he joined the civil service in Ottawa at age 17 and remained with the government for his entire career. He served as private secretary to three successive Ministers of Justice. In addition to his government duties he was also a prolific writer delving into Canadian history, geography, and bibliography. He wrote and edited many books and articles including several entries in the Canadian encyclopedia, Canada and Its Provinces. In 1927 the University of Toronto conferred on him an honorary degree of LL.D. (Who Was Who, 1941-1950)

Author Bio for Cassidy, John

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John Cassidy (1860–1939) was an Irish sculptor and painter who spent most of his life in Manchester, England. He designed and created many public sculptures and statues. A picture of one of his works can be viewed in Volume One of the Chronicles of Canada. (Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951)

Author Bio for Shortt, Adam

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Adam Shortt (1859-1931) was an economist and a historian. Born near Walkerton, Ontario, he was educated at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and also studied at universities in Glasgow and Edinburgh. He was appointed Professor of Philosophy at Queen's in 1886 and served as the university's first full-time professor of Politics and Economics. In 1908 he was appointed as the chair of the Canadian Civil Service Commission, a body created to reform the Canadian Civil Service. He helped transform the civil service from an inefficient, patronage-ridden body into a professional organization based on progress through merit. He also served as the chair of the Board of Publications at the Public Archives of Canada (now called Library and Archives Canada). He collaborated with chief archivist Arthur Doughty on a 23 volume encyclopedia of Canada, "Canada and its Provinces" (1913-1917) and "Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1759-1791 (1918). (Queen's Encyclopedia, Quebec History Encyclopedia)

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