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Four Afoot: Being the Adventures of the Big Four on the Highway (Big Four series #2)

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Book Details

Title:Four Afoot: Being the Adventures of the Big Four on the Highway (Big Four series #2)
Barbour, Ralph Henry   
(10 of 26 for author by title)
Four in Camp (Big Four series #1)
For Yardley: A Story of Track and Field (Yardley Hall series #4)
Relyea, Charles M.   
(9 of 18 for author by title)
Four in Camp (Big Four series #1)
For Yardley: A Story of Track and Field (Yardley Hall series #4)
Published:   1906
Publisher:D. Appleton and Company
Tags:adventure, fiction, juvenile, travel

The second in the "Big Four" juvenile adventure series. Bob, Nelson, Tom and Dan, who became fast friends at a New Hampshire summer camp in "Four in Camp", the first book of the series, embark upon another adventure. This time they decide to take a walking/hiking trip across Long Island, an activity supported by Dan's doctor, to help him regain his health after a bout with scarlet fever. Since the prolific author of this tale generally enjoys injecting some type of sports into his novels, the boys take part in a pick-up baseball game with a group of locals, during their trek. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:281 Info

Author Bio for Barbour, Ralph Henry

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Ralph Henry Barbour (November 13, 1870 – February 19, 1944) was an American novelist, who primarily wrote popular works of sports fiction for boys. In collaboration with L. H. Bickford, he also wrote as Richard Stillman Powell, notably Phyllis in Bohemia. Other works included light romances and adventure.

During his career, Barbour produced more than 100 novels as well as a number of short stories.--Wikipedia.

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