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Jerry Todd—Caveman (Jerry Todd #11)

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Title:Jerry Todd—Caveman (Jerry Todd #11)
Lee, Edward Edson  Writing under the pseudonym: Edwards, Leo   
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Poppy Ott and the Freckled Goldfish (Poppy Ott #5)
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Jerry Todd, Editor-in-Grief (Jerry Todd #10)
Published:   1932
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap Inc.
Tags:fiction, juvenile

It is the year 8,699 B. C. (supposedly!) and Red Meyers and Rory Ringer, both members of Jerry Todd's famous Juvenile Jupiter Detective gang, have vanished into the wilds of Oak Island to set up a caveman kingdom, taking with them a parrot, donkey, goat, monkey, cat dog, eleven pigs, six pies, three cakes, a bunch of bananas and two more pies.

By the time Jerry gets there the enthroned king has built himself a royal chariot, clay dishes, created a new language (on clay tables) and stocked up with a fig-leaf breechcloths.

A royal reception, a banquet (at which the king gets a custard pie slapped in his face), a moonlight cat hunt, a silver skull, a singing tree and wooden cow are all high spots in this combined tale of rip-roaring fun and baffling mystery.

—from the dust jacket. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:304 Info

Author Bio for Lee, Edward Edson

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Edward Edson Lee (September 2, 1884 in Meriden, Illinois – September 28, 1944 in Rockford, Illinois), who wrote under the pen name of Leo Edwards, was a popular children's literature author in the 1920s and 1930s.

He wrote five series of books: the Jerry Todd series of sixteen books; the Poppy Ott series of eleven books; the Trigger Berg series of four books; the Andy Blake series of four books; and the Tuffy Bean series of four books. All of the series were interrelated in some way; the Todd and Ott stories took place in the town of Tutter, Illinois, a fictional town modeled on the town of Utica, which Lee experienced in his childhood. The supporting characters in the Todd and Ott books — "Red" Meyers, "Scoop" Ellery, and "Peg" Shaw — were real boys that Lee befriended around the time he began writing the stories while living in Shelby, Ohio.

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