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Belief in God (Reconstruction of Belief #1)

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Book Details

Title:Belief in God (Reconstruction of Belief #1)
Gore, Charles   
Published:   1921
Publisher:John Murray
Tags:Bible, biblical, non-fiction, religion

Belief in God lays out Gore’s understanding of what it is that he believes about God and why he believes it. It is the first of three in Gore’s Reconstruction of Belief series, which seeks to offer a positive account of Christian belief. Gore is seeking to show that the historical Christian faith is rational. A rational system of belief, says Gore, must be able to “account for the relevant experience in its widest sense, and the facts of nature and history, better than any other theory; and the best way to test the ability of any theory to do this is not mainly by attacking other theories, but by approaching the facts constructively and critically and seeing what theory appears to emerge out of their free consideration.” [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:212 Info

Author Bio for Gore, Charles

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Charles Gore (1853 - 1932), born in Wimbledon, ordained in 1878 was an English theologian, Anglican bishop, and an exponent of the liberal tendency within the Anglo-Catholic movement and expounded the Anglo-Catholic view of the church as the legitimate successor of the Apostles

Gore believed it was necessary to correlate Christian theology with scientific and historical knowledge and translate it into social action.

Charles Gore was a Canon of Westminster between 1894 and 1902. As a memorial to him an endowment fund for a series of annual lectures was established and since 1935 a lecture has been held at the Abbey almost every year.

After a number of ecclesiastical senior roles, he resigned as Bishop of Oxford in 1919 and settled in London, where he preached and wrote extensively, lectured at King’s College, and served the University of London as dean of the theological faculty (1924–28). He died in London in 1932.

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