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Lowry, Malcolm   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
Under the Volcano
Published:   1933
Publisher:Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited
Tags:adventure, Canadiana, fiction, seafaring

Young man goes to sea on a merchant ship to find . . .? Author's first novel. Semi-autobiographical. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:169 Info

Author Bio for Lowry, Malcolm

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Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957) was an English poet and novelist. Born in England, his early life was marred by depression and alcoholism. He paid scant attention to his education but found more satisfaction in writing. He published his first novel Ultramarine in 1933. In 1940, he married actress Margerie Bonner and they relocated to British Columbia where he enjoyed a happy life. He wrote his second novel Under the Volcano in 1948 which some consider one of the finest novels of the 20th century. He won the Governor General’s Award for English language fiction in 1961 for his posthumous collection Hear Us O Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place. He died at age 48, his life cut short by a return to substance abuse. (Canadian Encyclopedia)

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