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Kuttner, Henry  Writing under the pseudonym: Padgett, Lewis   
(67 of 128 for author by title)
No Man's World
A Million Years to Conquer [The Creature from beyond Infinity]
Published:   1953
Publisher:Ballantine Books
Tags:fiction, science fiction

Collection of: The Piper's Son(1945); Three Blind Mice(1945); The Lion and the Unicorn(1945); Beggars in Velvet(1945); Humpty Dumpty(1953); Epilogue From archive.org, Pulp Magazine collection. Stories originally published in Astounding.

Description from rear cover:

The Chronicles of the Baldies...

The Big Blow-up left huge radioactive sores (the graves of cities) all over the face of the Earth. In time, from some of the women who had been near these shunned areas, the first totally hairless babies began to be born and a new

and terrifying difference became apparent. The Baldies were telepathic.

From then on they were hated by normal humans—and hunted like animals.

This is the saga of their struggle for survival and their desperate search to find a safe means of giving the power of telepathy to humans so that both kinds might live peacefully side by side. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:124 Info

Author Bio for Kuttner, Henry

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Henry Kuttner USA (1914 - 1958) Husband of C L Moore aka Keith Hammond, Lawrence O'Donnell, Lewis Padgett Henry Kuttner was alone and in collaboration with his wife, the great science fiction and fantasy writer C.L. Moore, one of the four or five most important writers of the 1940's, the writer whose work went furthest in its sociological and psychological insight, to making science fiction a human as well as technological literature. He was an important influence upon every contemporary and every science fiction writer who succeeded him. In the early 1940's and under many pseudonyms, Kuttner and Moore published very widely through the range of the science fiction and fantasy pulp markets.--goodreads.com.

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