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The Story of a National Crime: being an appeal for justice to the Indians of Canada

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Book Details

Title:The Story of a National Crime: being an appeal for justice to the Indians of Canada
Bryce, Peter Henderson   
Published:   1922
Publisher:James Hope & Sons, Limited
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, historical, North American indigenous peoples, non-fiction, health

A report on the health conditions of the children in residential schools in Canada from 1904 to 1921. Many of the children died from tuberculosis caused mainly by poor hygiene in the schools. The report was suppressed by the government. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:20 Info

Author Bio for Bryce, Peter Henderson

Peter Henderson Bryce (1853-1932) was a Canadian government health inspector who visited residential schools in the early part of the 20th century and reported on the conditions under which the schools were run. He found that extremely poor sanitary conditions were leading to a high rate of disease and death mainly due to tuberculosis, a very preventable disease. He produced a report which the Canadian government refused to publish and they quietly terminated his employment. Bryce in turn published the report at his own expense but it received little recognition at the time. He is buried at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa and his gravesite is frequently visited by native Canadians who honour his whistleblowing efforts.

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