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The Royal North-West Mounted Police: A Corps History

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Book Details

Title:The Royal North-West Mounted Police: A Corps History
Chambers, Ernest J.   
(3 of 4 for author by title)
The Unexploited West: A compilation of all authentic information as to the resources of Northern and Northwestern Canada
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
Published:   1906
Publisher:Canada. Department of Agriculture
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, military, non-fiction, Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Here is a first hand account, of exactly the period of time he referred to and its multitude of consequences for Plains Indians, settlers, miners, the whiskey trade and even the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The breadth and scope of what these men were charged to accomplish is staggering and this account reads right up there with all the other great tales of exploration of the time.--Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:521 Info

Author Bio for Chambers, Ernest J.

Ernest J. Chambers (1862-1925) was a Canadian military journalist. He was born in England and came to Canada as a child in 1870. He worked as a journalist for the Montreal Daily Star but came west in 1885 to work as a war correspondent during the 1885 rebellion in Manitoba. He returned to Montreal where he was joint editor and owner of the Canadian Military Gazette from 1893 to 1896. His writing covered regimental histories and also this work about the Royal North-West Mounted Police. During World War I he became chief press censor which required him to review reports from Europe and generally edit out all the bad press. He died in Quebec in 1925 (Dictionary of Canadian Biography)

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