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Beverly Gray's Problem (Beverly Gray #13)

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Title:Beverly Gray's Problem (Beverly Gray #13)
Blank, Clarissa Mabel  Writing under the pseudonym: Blank, Clair   
(3 of 4 for author by title)
Beverly Gray's Quest (Beverly Gray #12)
Beverly Gray's Career (Beverly Gray #5)
Published:   1943
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap, Inc.
Tags:fiction, mystery, young adult

Kay Merrill, a rival reporter, is introduced to Beverly for the first time. Lenora parachutes out of an aeroplane. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:118 Info

Author Bio for Blank, Clarissa Mabel

Clarissa Mabel Blank (August 5, 1915 – August 15, 1965), pen name Clair Bank, was an American author. Between 1934 and 1955, she wrote 26 novels in her Beverly Gray mystery series. These track her protagonist becoming a successful screenwriter, playwright, novelist and reporter for the Herald Tribune, as well, of course, as solving many mysteries.

John Abreu wrote that Beverly Gray has "such a life of adventure as would tax the resources of any soap opera heroine." Across the series, Beverly is "kidnapped no less than twenty-six times, attacked by wild animals seven times, trapped in three violent storms, imperiled by three earthquakes, shot at twice (wounded once)." She also suffers "a car crash, flowing lava, a flood, a drugging, a rampaging fire, a plane crash and other assorted tribulations."

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