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Child of the Wild, A Story of Alaska

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Title:Child of the Wild, A Story of Alaska
Marshall, Edison   
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Published:   1926
Publisher:Cosmopolitan Book Corporation
Tags:Alaska, fiction

Seven year old Sam finds himself the sole survivor of a shipwreck and alone on an uninhabited coastline of Alaska. He is eventually found by native people and later taken in by a man who sends him to school. Sam grows up and becomes a game warden and has encounters with lawless men, bears, wolverines and an avalanche. There is also a thread of romance woven through all after he meets the beautiful June who saves his life during one of his misadventures. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:182 Info

Author Bio for Marshall, Edison

The interestingly named Edison Tesla Marshall was born on August 28, 1894 in Rensselaer, Indiana and died on October 29, 1967 in Augusta, Georgia. He grew up in Medford, Oregon and attended the University of Oregon from 1913 to 1916. He was a novelist and short story writer, mainly of historical fiction and science fiction, and a big game hunter. His popular adventure stories appeared in Harper's Bazaar, Good Housekeeping, and Reader's Digest. He won the O. Henry Award in 1921. His novel The Isle of Retribution was made into a silent film of the same name in 1926. Other of his novels became the 1942 film, Son of Fury, with Tyrone Power, the 1954 Yankee Pasha, starring Mamie Van Doren, and in 1958, The Vikings with Kirk Douglas.

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