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Here Comes the Sun

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Book Details

Title:Here Comes the Sun
Loring, Emilie   
(7 of 17 for author by title)
High of Heart
Fair Tomorrow
Published:   1924
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Tags:fiction, historical, mystery, romance

The last of the six Lorraine girls unmarried, daring young Julie has been summoned to the coast of Maine, where her Aunt Martha has consulted the stars to find her a suitable match. Julie fully intends to prove her wrong, but, just as her train is departing, she jumps off to save a runaway dog and is left behind. A sudden storm forces her to take refuge in an old cabin, where she is surprised to encounter a candidate for the state senate and the current state senator, who has a reputation for dirty politics. Julie has walked into a web of smuggling, blackmail, and political intrigue . . . one she may not get out of alive.--Goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:190 Info

Author Bio for Loring, Emilie

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Emilie Loring (1866-1951) was an American romance author. Her books were often characterized as "drugstore-and-newsstand romantic novels". Her stories tended towards formulaic motifs but apparently that is what her readers wanted as she sold over a million copies of her books. (Time magazine)

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