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Gunpowder God

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Book Details

Title:Gunpowder God
Piper, H. Beam   
(4 of 5 for author by title)
Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen [Gunpowder God]
Fuzzy Sapiens [The Other Human Race] (Fuzzy Sapiens #2)
Published:   1964
Publisher:Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Tags:fiction, novella, science fiction

Sometimes the Paratime transporters slipped . . . and then a whole new branch of history was sure to start!

But for Corporal Calvin of the Pennsylvania State Police that slip was labeled “Opportunity” in large letters . . .--intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:48 Info

Author Bio for Piper, H. Beam

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Henry Beam Piper (March 23, 1904—c. November 6, 1964) was an American science fiction author. He wrote many short stories and several novels. He is best known for his extensive Terro-Human Future History series of stories and a shorter series of “Paratime” alternate history tales.

Piper’s stories fall into two camps: stark space opera, such as Space Viking, or stories of cultural conflict or misunderstanding, such as Little Fuzzy or the Paratime stories.

A running theme in his work is that history repeats itself; past events will have direct and clear analogues in the future. The novel Uller Uprising is the clearest example of this, being based on the Sepoy Mutiny. A similarly clear example is the very name of Space Viking; although that novel is not a direct reinterpretation of a specific historical precedent, a later theme in the book involves the takeover of a planet in a manner reminiscent of the rise of Adolf Hitler.--Wikipedia.

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