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Winged Peace

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Book Details

Title:Winged Peace
Bishop, William Avery (Colonel)   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
The Flying Squad
Published:   1944
Publisher:The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited
Tags:aviation, Canadiana, history, non-fiction, World War II, World War I

The story of aviation as told by World War I Canadian flying ace, Billy Bishop. Beginning with the Wright Brothers historic flight in 1903 and progressing through much progress and innovation, the book takes the reader through to the depths of air conflict in the heydays of World War II. Much of his book is dedicated to the advances in commercial air travel and he makes some interesting insights for the future. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:176 Info

Author Bio for Bishop, William Avery (Colonel)

William Avery "Billy" Bishop (1894-1956) was a Canadian pilot during World War I in which he was credited with 72 victories making him the top flying ace of the British Empire. Born in Owen Sound, Ontario, he enlisted with a cavalry regiment but soon caught the flying bug and transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. From 1915 to 1918 he fought on the western front and was known for his bold and daring flying skills. The Germans soon labelled him "Hell's Handmaiden". After the war he became involved in commercial airline enterprises. When war broke out in 1939 he joined the RCAF and was appointed Director of Recruiting. So successful was he at recruiting pilots that many had to be turned away. Bishop's program ended up with over 167,000 trained airmen during the war. He retired in 1944 due to ill-health and returned to the private sector. During his last years he started writing and produced a number of fiction and non-fiction books. (BillyBishop.net)

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