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Les Thibault: L’Été 1914 [Premiere Partie] (Thibault #7)

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Title:Les Thibault: L’Été 1914 [Premiere Partie] (Thibault #7)
du Gard, Roger Martin   
(10 of 13 for author by title)
Les Thibault: L’Été 1914 [Troisième Partie] (Thibault #9)
Les Thibault: L’Été 1914 [Deuxieme Partie] (Thibault #8)
Published:   1935
Tags:fiction, historical

L’Été 1914 (“Summer 1914”), Part I is set in the period leading up to and including the beginning of World War I. In Antoine Thibault is now a well-to-do physician who is having an affair with a married woman, Anne de Battaincourt; his brother Jacques, on the other hand, is a committed socialist who spends much of his time among radical political circles in Geneva. Much of the narrative centers on the activities of the various socialist and radical groups in the face of the possible outbreak of war between the great powers of Europe. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:191 Info

Author Bio for du Gard, Roger Martin

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Roger Martin du Gard (1881–1958) was a French novelist and winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize for Literature. He was born in Paris and worked as a paleographer (the study of ancient literature) and an archivist. In his work as a writer, he brought a spirit of objectivity and regard for detail, and because of his concern with documentation and the relationship of social reality to individual development, his fiction has been linked with the realist and naturalist traditions of the 19th century. His sympathy for the humanist socialism and pacifism of Jean Jaurès is evident in his work. he is best known for his multi-volume work, "The Thibaults", which chronicles the life of two brothers who are raised in a well to do family and their experiences during the First Word War. (The Quest for Total Peace: The Political Thought of Roger Martin Du Gard)

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