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Porson's Flying Service

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Book Details

Title:Porson's Flying Service
Rochester, George E. (Ernest)   
(3 of 8 for author by title)
The Return of Grey Shadow
Grey Shadow
Bradshaw, Stanley Orton   
Published:   1936
Publisher:The Popular Library
Tags:aviation, fiction, flying, short stories

This 1935 book seems to catch the essence of an even earlier age. It is essentially a collection of short stories strung together around the concept of a young man determined to make his way in the world and eventually found his own airline. The odds against him seem formidable—he has started his great enterprise with just a Maurice Farman biplane. . . .

However, there are also plenty of flying sequences with the Farman constantly on the brink of disaster and some very good birds-eye view descriptions of countryside.

There are also four illustrations by Stanley Orton Bradshaw. Each one is black and white and the best is the frontispiece which shows the Maurice Farman in a steep dive just above the metals of a railway line with a train thundering towards the point of impact. To find out what happens you must read the book—Jim Mackenzine review @ www.collectingbooksandmagazines.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:166 Info

Author Bio for Rochester, George E. (Ernest)

Author Image

George Ernest Rochester (17 December, 1898—23 March, 1966) was a British author, writing under his own and several other names, including John Beresford, Frank Chaltam, Barton Furse, Jeffrey Gaunt, Eric Roche, and Hamilton Smith.

Rochester was extremely popular in the 1930s writing serial stories for British magazines such as The Boys’ Friend Library, Knockout, and Boy’s Own Paper with science fiction themes of mad scientists; or, stories based on Rochester's pilot experience as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps during World War I. These pilot stories come close to science fiction, but typically restrict themselves to adventures in airplanes, often featuring air pirates.

His later career was inconspicuous and he fell silent after about 1954. Of interest in his post-War output is the Black Wing series comprising Black Wing (1951) and Secret Pilot (1954), featuring a young heroic cadet who has been fitted with a flying suit powered by an atomic engine.

Sources: http://www.collectingbooksandmagazines.com; http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com

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