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White Wings and Blue Water

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Book Details

Title:White Wings and Blue Water
Rochester, George E. (Ernest)   
(8 of 8 for author by title)
The Vultures of Desolate Island
Published:   1952
Publisher:Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd.
Tags:adventure, aviation, fiction, flying

Fifteen-year-old Arthur Buckley Brown, otherwise known as Buck, is flying from London to Sydney to join his father. When an American girl, Beth Carson, joins the plane at New York she and Buck soon become firm friends. The only other child on board is the very spoilt son of an American millionaire.

When the plane is several hours out from San Francisco, four of the passengers produce revolvers and obtain control of the aircraft. It soon becomes clear to Buck that they intend to kidnap the millionaire’s son and hold him up to ransom, and to steal all the jewellery belonging to the other passengers.

The plane is forced down near a small, lonely island. Beth and Buck evade the gang and make off with the millionaire’s son, who proves a great trial to them.

The unusual story of their adventures at sea in a tropical storm, and with unscrupulous traders, makes very exciting reading.—Preface. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:111 Info

Author Bio for Rochester, George E. (Ernest)

Author Image

George Ernest Rochester (17 December, 1898—23 March, 1966) was a British author, writing under his own and several other names, including John Beresford, Frank Chaltam, Barton Furse, Jeffrey Gaunt, Eric Roche, and Hamilton Smith.

Rochester was extremely popular in the 1930s writing serial stories for British magazines such as The Boys’ Friend Library, Knockout, and Boy’s Own Paper with science fiction themes of mad scientists; or, stories based on Rochester's pilot experience as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps during World War I. These pilot stories come close to science fiction, but typically restrict themselves to adventures in airplanes, often featuring air pirates.

His later career was inconspicuous and he fell silent after about 1954. Of interest in his post-War output is the Black Wing series comprising Black Wing (1951) and Secret Pilot (1954), featuring a young heroic cadet who has been fitted with a flying suit powered by an atomic engine.

Sources: http://www.collectingbooksandmagazines.com; http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com

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