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Bailey, Temple   
(7 of 7 for author by title)
So This Is Christmas! and Other Christmas Stories
Published:   1927
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Tags:fiction, romance, film/TV adaptation

The two girls were “wallflowers”. Even the knowledge that they were the Claybournes of Virginia could not alter that fact. They were shabby and they couldn’t dance as Society danced in Washington. But they were such charming, pretty things—Sandra and Theodora—Sandra, vivid, sparkling, alive, with her bright dreams of Romance; Theodora with her ambitions for a career and social position, but with her thin veneer of sophistication hardly concealing her delightful naïveté.

Youth as only Miss Bailey can portray it, with a deep and tender understanding of its longings and desires, its high ideals continually struggling to overcome its greed for luxury and ease, and the final triumph of youth’s rightful

heritage—love. - Dust Jacket. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:260 Info

Author Bio for Bailey, Temple

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Temple Bailey (1880-1953) was an American novelist and short story writer. Born in Virginia, she attended a girls' school for a time but poor health during her childhood meant that she was often tutored by her father at home. He paid close attention to her written English. As an adult, Bailey had no real desire to become an author but, "a season of stress and sorrow drove me to self-expression" and her 'scribbles' turned into stories that were soon being published in magazines such as the Ladies' Home Journal. Some of her stories were published as serials that were later turned into novels. Bailey preferred writing short stories thinking they were her most artistic work but found them harder to write than novels. She completed over 30 novels and her books sold in the millions. Bailey's style of featuring virginal heroines, conventional morality and happy ending seemed to fill her readers' needs for romance, the possibility of a better life and a happier world. (American National Biography)

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