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The House Opposite (Ben the Tramp #2)

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Title:The House Opposite (Ben the Tramp #2)
Farjeon, J. Jefferson   
(3 of 8 for author by title)
The Man Who Shot at Cats
Fancy Dress Ball
Published:   1931
Publisher:W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd
Tags:fiction, mystery

Strange things are happening in the untenanted houses of Jowle Street. There are unaccountable creakings and weird knockings on the door of No.29, where a homeless ex-sailor has taken up residence. But even stranger things are happening in the House Opposite, from where a beautiful woman in an evening gown brings Ben a mysterious message; and worse—the offer of a job!

Ben the ‘passing tramp’ was immortalised on film by Alfred Hitchcock in ‘Number 17’, based on a popular ’twenties stage play and novelisation by journalist-turned-author Joe Jefferson Farjeon. The House Opposite (1931) was the first full-length original novel to feature Ben, a reluctant down-at-heels Cockney sleuth, who went on to feature in six more successful detective thrillers from 1931 to 1952.—goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:197 Info

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