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South Moon Under

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Book Details

Title:South Moon Under
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan   
(3 of 5 for author by title)
When the Whipoorwill—
The Sojourner
Published:   1933
Publisher:Charles Scribner's Sons
Tags:fiction, historical, U.S.A., Florida

Rawlings is known for her books on the Florida backwoods. She seems to view her characters in much the same way that Steinbeck did, with a wry affection and respect. Just as Steinbeck referred to Rosasharn (as pronounced by her family) by her rather elegant true name "Rose of Sharon," so Rawlings calls "Py-tee" by her true name, Piety. The characters are strong and stoic, as one would expect from a family eking out a living in the Florida scrub. But there are snatches of true tenderness and humor that makes the main characters very endearing. Rawlings excels at describing the activities of the people and the land they are attached to. "There came a time in mid-afternoon when all life seemed suspended. The river flowed interminably but as though without advance. The boy thought that he had been always in this still, liquid place." The casual racism of the time intrudes periodically but it is not unexpected in a 1930s novel. Very spare, but elegant prose.—Ann on goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:232 Info

Author Bio for Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan

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Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (August 8, 1896 – December 14, 1953) was an American author who lived in rural Florida and wrote novels with rural themes and settings. Her best known work, The Yearling, about a boy who adopts an orphaned fawn, won a Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1939 and was later made into a movie of the same name. The book was written long before the concept of young adult fiction, but is now commonly included in teen-reading lists.—Wikipedia.

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