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The Book of the West

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Book Details

Title:The Book of the West
Kennedy, Howard Angus   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
Unsought Adventure
Published:   1925
Publisher:The Ryerson Press
Tags:Alberta, British Columbia, Canada, Canadiana, history, Manitoba, non-fiction, Prairies, Saskatchewan

Bullets whistled about my ears as I leapt from my horse on Cutknife Hill. The Indians had us neatly ringed in, as once they used to trap the buffalo. Puffs of smoke rose from the gully on our left, from the gully on our right, from the creek-bed in our rear, from the ridge beyond the gully on each hand. . . .

That little war of 1885 was the Great Divide of Western History. It marked an end and a beginning. The rising on the Saskatchewan was the last volcanic outbreak of the fire primeval, the savage spirit of the old Wild West. With the suppression of that rising, the fire was quenched for ever. The old times ended; our own new times began. . . .

For me, it is an adventure to sit down and write this book. A hard adventure, too; harder work than rounding up cattle, or clearing brush, or pitching hay, or stooking heavy wheat, or anything else I have ever done on the farm. But there is great pleasure in doing hard things, as every true Westerner knows by experience.—Forward. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:169 Info

Author Bio for Kennedy, Howard Angus

Howard Angus Kennedy (1861-1938) was a Canadian historian and journalist. Born in London, England, he emigrated to Canada with the intention of learning to farm but became a journalist instead. He became a correspondent for the Montreal Witness as well as the New York Herald. His most notable assignment was to cover the North-West Rebellion in 1885. He was present during the relief of Battleford, the Battle of Cut Knife and the pursuit of Big Bear. He tried again to return to farming but the onset of World Ward I meant recruitment by the government to help with the war effort. He went to Ottawa where he worked as a writer and editor for several government agencies until 1918. After the war he devoted his time to writing and eventually produced 17 books as well as numerous articles and pamphlets. He was a charter member of the Canadian Authors Association which was established in 1921 and in 1929 he was elected as national secretary, a position he held until his death. (Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Who Was Who, 1941)

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