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Goldoni and the Venice of his Time

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Book Details

Title:Goldoni and the Venice of his Time
Kennard, Joseph Spencer   
Published:   1920
Publisher:The Macmillan Company
Tags:biography, drama, history, Italy, non-fiction

Carlo Goldoni, who lived from 1707 until 1793, is the author of many classic Italian plays, some of which remain popular to this day; the play Servant of Two Masters being his best known work. The biography opens with a chronological summary of Goldoni’s life. From there, the book launches into a detailed discussion with chapters representing distinct time periods of his life.

Goldoni’s biography is only one part of Kennard’s book. Kennard provides a detailed breakdown, including plot summaries, details of the writing process, notes on critical reception, and behind the scenes gossip, of many of Goldoni’s greatest works. For true fans of Carlo Goldoni, it is this section of the book that will be most appealing. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:386 Info

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