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The Well of the Worlds

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

Book Details

Title:The Well of the Worlds
Kuttner, Henry   
(123 of 128 for author by title)
When the Bough Breaks
We Shall Come Back
Published:   1952
Publisher:Ace Books, Inc.
Tags:fiction, science fiction

Sawyer saw three of the godlike Isier wading head and shoulders above the milling, battling figures, swinging great whips of flame that crackled and

snapped like leashed lightning. A flung Sselli knife flashed toward one of the Isier. He smiled scornfully as it rang upon his ice-robed chest and fell harmlessly away. And then, in a burst of shimmering heat, the strange figure of the Isier vanished. And Sawyer remembered: When an Isier uses up more energy than he possesses, he seems to vaporize. The Isier drew their life-force from the Well of the Worlds, and in this final battle its energy was

dwindling. . . . [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:118 Info

Author Bio for Kuttner, Henry

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Henry Kuttner USA (1914 - 1958) Husband of C L Moore aka Keith Hammond, Lawrence O'Donnell, Lewis Padgett Henry Kuttner was alone and in collaboration with his wife, the great science fiction and fantasy writer C.L. Moore, one of the four or five most important writers of the 1940's, the writer whose work went furthest in its sociological and psychological insight, to making science fiction a human as well as technological literature. He was an important influence upon every contemporary and every science fiction writer who succeeded him. In the early 1940's and under many pseudonyms, Kuttner and Moore published very widely through the range of the science fiction and fantasy pulp markets.--goodreads.com.

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