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Pioneers of the Pacific Coast: A Chronicle of Sea Rovers and Fur Hunters (Chronicles of Canada #22)

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Book Details

Title:Pioneers of the Pacific Coast: A Chronicle of Sea Rovers and Fur Hunters (Chronicles of Canada #22)
Laut, Agnes Christina   
(12 of 14 for author by title)
The Quenchless Light
Pathfinders of the West: Being the Thrilling Story of the Adventures of the Men Who: Discovered the Great Northwest: Radisson, La Vérendrye, Lewis and Clark
Published:   1915
Publisher:Glasgow, Brook & Company
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, fur trade, history, non-fiction, Pacific

In the early sixteenth century, the first exploratory ships arrived on the Pacific Coast of North America. These rovers were seeking gold and silver, fur pelts, a safe passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and above all, adventure. Though many of the voyagers didn’t survive the dangerous sea crossings or the perils that awaited them on land, their stories live on in Pioneers of the Pacific Coast.

Agnes C. Laut chronicles long-forgotten true stories packed with hazards and surprise. In the 1500s, The Golden Hind breaks into the Pacific Ocean, despite harsh warnings from the Spaniards that it was a “closed sea.” Years later, the Russian explorer Vitus Bering and his crew are stranded on an island when their ship is caught in a storm. In the 17th century, British Captain Vancouver meets with Spanish Captain Quadra at Nootka Sound to decide who owns the Pacific Coast. All these explorers risked their lives to find out whether this perilous land was worthy of settlement. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:71 Info

Author Bio for Laut, Agnes Christina

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Agnes Christina Laut (1871–1936) was a Canadian journalist, novelist, historian, and social worker. Born in rural Ontario, the family relocated to Winnipeg Manitoba in 1873. She attended the University of Manitoba but was forced to drop out due to health issues. At this time she became interested in writing and her work was published in the Manitoba Free Press. She obtained an editorial job working for the Press and worked there from 1895-1897. After a few years travelling abroad, she decided to move to the Wassaic, New York in 1900 which was close to her book publisher.

She published several novels and books on Canadian history. She visited the country regularly either working or doing research for her books. She was also involved in social work. In 1919 she travelled to Mexico at the behest of the Childhood Conservation League to help children left homeless by the Mexican Revolution. (Canada's Early Women Writers: Simon Fraser University)

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