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The Proper Place

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Book Details

Title:The Proper Place
Buchan, Anna Masterton  Writing under the pseudonym: Douglas, O.   
(7 of 9 for author by title)
Taken by the Hand
Published:   1929
Publisher:Hodder and Stoughton Limited
Tags:fiction, historical

Lady Jane Rutherford, her daughter Nicole, and her niece Barbara, have to sell Rutherford Hall. They choose to settle in a fishing village called Kirkmeikle. Lady Jane, who has become a shadow of herself after losing her husband, and her two sons, adapts to her new situation in a resigned, calm fashion. Barbara can't stand the place and keeps yearning for the grandeur of Rutherford Hall. Nicole, however, launches into her new life with great enthusiasm. She meets friends with the neighbors and befriends a rather lonely young boy. Among her new acquaintances is Simon Beckett, a famous mountain-climber writing a book.

Some people (like Barbara) might say that nothing happens in the book/in Kirkmeikle. But Nicole would disagree : apart from lunches, teas and dinners with the neighbors, there are interesting developments like the transformation of Miss Symington from dowdy spinster with a comfortless house, into Mrs. Innes, owner of a charming residence. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:231 Info

Author Bio for Buchan, Anna Masterton

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Born Anna Masterton Buchan, younger sister to the statesman & prolific novelist John Buchan. She began writing in 1911, and published 12 novels and a personal memoir of her brother before her death. Her novels are humorous domestic fiction, focusing on the lives of families in Scotland. Her autobiography was published posthumously, in 1960.

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