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The Fable of the Goats and Other Poems

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Title:The Fable of the Goats and Other Poems
Pratt, E. J. (Edwin John Dove)   
(4 of 12 for author by title)
The Iron Door (An Ode)
Collected Poems
Published:   1937
Publisher:The MacMillan Company of Canada Limited
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, Governor General's Literary Award, poetry, war

In 1937, with war on the horizon, Pratt wrote an anti-war poem, "The Fable of the Goats," which became the title poem of his next volume. The Fable of the Goats and Other Poems, which included his classic free-verse poem "Silences," won him his first Governor General's Award. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:31 Info

Author Bio for Pratt, E. J. (Edwin John Dove)

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Edwin John "E.J." Pratt (1882-1964) was a famous Canadian poet. He was born in Newfoundland. His father was a Methodist minister who moved around different outport communities preaching to fishers, whalers, and sealers. Pratt himself worked as a preacher and like his father worked in remote communities in Ontario and in the Prairies. In 1913, he attended Victoria College in Toronto where he excelled at divinity and philosophy. He eventually became a professor at Victoria College teaching philosophy and English. Pratt published his first collection of poetry in 1923 called "Newfoundland verse". His reputation as a major Canadian poet rests on his narrative poems which mythologize the Canadian experience. He was a three-time winner of the Governor General's Award for poetry and has been called "the foremost Canadian poet of the first half of the 20th century." (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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