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The Sheriff Rides

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Book Details

Title:The Sheriff Rides
Faust, Frederick Schiller  Writing under the pseudonym: Austin, Frank   
(63 of 98 for author by title)
A Shower of Silver
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner
Published:   1928
Publisher:Dodd, Mead & Company
Tags:fiction, western

The book's front cover says "Johnny Signal was trapped in a lawless town and only his guns could save him..." The back cover says it's "A Roaring Blood-Action Western." [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:218 Info

Author Bio for Faust, Frederick Schiller

Author Image

Frederick Schiller Faust aka Frank Austin, George Owen Baxter, Walter C Butler, George Challis, Evan Evans, Frederick Faust, John Frederick, Frederick Frost, David Manning, Peter Henry Morland, Max Brand...

Max Brand, one of America's most popular and prolific novelists and author of such enduring works as Destry Rides Again and the Doctor Kildare stories, died on the Italian front in 1944.

“No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine. But Faust's most famous character was not a Western hero but a doctor—Dr. Kildare—who inspired a film of the same name plus fifteen sequels and a television series starring Richard Chamberlain.” (The Incredible Pulps: A Gallery of Fiction Magazine Art, c. 2006, p. 11).

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