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The Impudence of Youth

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Title:The Impudence of Youth
Deeping, Warwick (George)   
(14 of 46 for author by title)
The King Behind the King [The Shield of Love]
The House of Adventure
Published:   1946
Publisher:Dial Press

John James is a lad like no other, at least in the village. Miss Pope, his aunt and proprietor of the general store/post office, dotes on this genius of a lad who is afflicted with a growth deficiency which keeps his legs to childlike proportions. John goes off to Cambridge on a scholarship and is treated mercilessly by the other young gentlemen. He is given the nickname 'Tadpole' and finds another aspect of life in Germany. He wants to set up a private laboratory and finds rooms in Unicorn Place in the East End of London. Here he discovers life as it is, or was, and eventually falls in love with Kitty. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:172 Info

Author Bio for Deeping, Warwick (George)

Author Image

He was one of the best selling authors of the 1920s and 1930s, with seven of his novels making the best-seller list. Deeping was a prolific writer of short stories, which appeared in such British magazines as Cassell's, The Story-Teller, and The Strand. He also published fiction in several US magazines, including the Saturday Evening Post and Adventure. All of the short stories and serialized novels in U.S. magazines were reprints works previously published in Britain. Well over 200 of his original short stories and essays that appeared in various British fiction magazines were never seen in book form. Those works are now available in the multi-volume "Lost Stories" collection.

His early work is dominated by historical romances. His later novels more usually dealt with modern life, and were critical of many tendencies of twentieth-century civilisation. His standpoint was generally that of a passionate individualism, distrustful both of ruling elites and of the lower classes, who were often presented as a threat to his embattled middle-class protagonists. His most celebrated hero is Captain Sorrell M.C., the ex-officer who after the War is reduced to a menial occupation in which he is bullied by those of a lower social class and less education. Deeping's novels often deal with controversial issues.--Wikipedia.

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