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Dead or Alive (Frank Garrett #1)

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Patricia Wentworth (1878-1961)

Book Details

Title:Dead or Alive (Frank Garrett #1)
Elles, Dora Amy  Writing under the pseudonym: Wentworth, Patricia   
(16 of 51 for author by title)
The Devil's Wind
Danger Calling (Benbow Smith #2)
Published:   1936
Publisher:J. B. Lippincott Company
Tags:fiction, mystery

Robin O'Hara never deserved his wife, Meg. He was unfaithful and involved in work that was just a little bit dangerous. When Meg reaches her limits and wants a divorce, Robin disappears and is presumed dead. Shortly after, Meg starts receiving messages that gives her the idea that Robin may not be dead after all. When former beau, Bill Coverdale, comes back to London he is intent on winning Meg for himself. He just has to deal with her fears about her missing husband, a crazy group of kidnappers, and save her from having her body dumped into a remote lake, never to be seen again. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:202 Info

Author Bio for Elles, Dora Amy

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Dora Amy Elles (November 10, 1878 - January 28, 1961) wrote under the pen name of Patricia Wentworth. She was a British crime writer, best known for her Miss Silver Mysteries, though she also wrote romantic novels. Miss Silver is frequently compared to Agatha Christie's Jane Marple, though Patricia Wentworth's first Miss Silver novel pre-dated Agatha Christie's first Miss Marple novel by two years, and may well have inspired Agatha Christie.

In Marion Shaw & Sabine Vanacker's book Reflecting on Miss Marple, they said: "while Miss Marple may receive ten times the attention as Miss Silver, ... the woefully neglected Miss Silver is the real deal - a professional investigator and a stand-up woman, a true forerunner of all future female private eyes."

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