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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946)

Book Details

Oppenheim, E. Phillips   
(8 of 80 for author by title)
The Channay Syndicate
The Battle of Basinghall Street
Published:   1907
Publisher:Little, Brown and Company
Tags:adventure, fiction

Edwardian Melodrama with a Theatrical backdrop

Matravers is "an Apostle of Aestheticism" with "fixed views of life, down to even it's most trifling details." "A poet, philosopher, and man of fashion" who has "no intimate friends." He writes for the London papers and reviews. One evening he is taken to the theater by a friend to see a "Norwegian" play by Istein, which he savages in his review. However the actress who plays the lead, Berenice, is brilliant, and is the same woman with whom he has been exchanging coy glances in the Park for six months. Slowly Matravers and Berenice grow closer. He writes a play for her which is a huge success. On the cusp of their romance....her past comes to light.

The Edwardian/Victorian morality which underlies the plot of this 1907 novel by Oppenheim is very foreign to us. The repressive, idealist, moralistic social conduct which it describes is extreme. It is curious that Oppenheim spends a good part of the novel inveighing against Isteinism (me [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:74 Info

Author Bio for Oppenheim, E. Phillips

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E. Phillips Oppenheim, in full Edward Phillips Oppenheim (born Oct. 22, 1866, London, Eng.—died Feb. 3, 1946, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, U.K.), internationally popular British author of novels and short stories dealing with international espionage and intrigue.

After leaving school at age 17 to help in his father's leather business, Oppenheim wrote in his spare time. His first novel, Expiation (1887), and subsequent thrillers caught the fancy of a wealthy New York businessman who bought out the leather business at the turn of the century and made Oppenheim a high-salaried director. He was thus freed to devote the major part of his time to writing. The novels, volumes of short stories, and plays that followed, totaling more than 150, were peopled with sophisticated heroes, adventurous spies, and dashing noblemen. Among his well-known works are The Long Arm of Mannister (1910), The Moving Finger (1911), and The Great Impersonation (1920).--Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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