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New History for Old. Discussions on Aims and Methods in Writing and Teaching History

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Book Details

Title:New History for Old. Discussions on Aims and Methods in Writing and Teaching History
Pierce, Lorne Albert   
(1 of 4 for author by title)
The Selected Poems of Marjorie Pickthall
Published:   1931
Publisher:Ryerson Press
Tags:Canadiana, education, lecture, non-fiction

An interesting set of lectures on Canadian literature and history, with particular reference to education. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:256 Info

Author Bio for Pierce, Lorne Albert

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Lorne Pierce (1890-1961) was a Canadian publisher and editor. Born in eastern Ontario, he was educated at Queen's University, the University of Toronto and the Wesleyan Theological School in Montreal. He was ordained as a Methodist Church minister and later became a United Church minister. In 1920 he was appointed literary adviser at Ryerson Press in Toronto. Two years later he became editor, a position he remained in until 1960. During his tenure he fostered the careers of several well known authors including E.J. Pratt, Earle Birney, Dorothy Livesay and A.J.M. Smith. He authored and published numerous books on Canadian literature and history. He instigated three series of short books on literature to promote Canadian literature to the general public. He created the Lorne Pierce award for the recognition of excellence in Canadian literature and criticism which is now administered by the Royal Society of Canada. He was also a leading founder of the Canadian Writers' Foundation. During his life he amassed an important collection of Canadian books, letters and manuscripts which he donated to Queen's University. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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