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Nazi and Nazarene

Book Details

Title:Nazi and Nazarene
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott   
(2 of 3 for author by title)
The Three Taps: A detective story without a moral
The Footsteps at the Lock
Published:   1940
Publisher:The Macmillan Company
Tags:non-fiction, pamphlet, war
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:14 Info

Author Bio for Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott

Author Image

Monsignor Ronald Arbuthnott Knox was a Roman Catholic priest, theologian, author of detective stories, as well as a writer and a regular broadcaster for BBC Radio.

Knox had attended Eton College and won several scholarships at Balliol College, Oxford. He was ordained an Anglican priest in 1912 and was appointed chaplain of Trinity College, Oxford, but he left in 1917 upon his conversion to Catholicism. In 1918 he was ordained a Catholic priest. Knox wrote many books of essays and novels. Directed by his religious superiors, he re-translated the Latin Vulgate Bible into English, using Hebrew and Greek sources, beginning in 1936.

He died on 24 August 1957 and his body was brought to Westminster Cathedral. Bishop Craven celebrated the requiem mass, at which Father Martin D'Arcy, a Jesuit, preached the panegyric. Knox was buried in the churchyard of St Andrew's Church, Mells.


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