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Marjorie's Canadian Winter -- A Story of the Northern Lights

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Title:Marjorie's Canadian Winter -- A Story of the Northern Lights
Machar, Agnes Maule   
(2 of 3 for author by title)
Our Life Blood Ebbs Away: A Plea for Continental Union
Down the River to the Sea
Published:   1893
Publisher:D. Lothrop Company
Tags:adventure, Canadiana, fiction

In the two decades following Confederation, Quebec nationalism had become inward-looking and defensive, struggling to maintain French and Catholic rights in a separate school system as a way of resisting Anglophone and Protestant dominance. The Northwest Rebellion of 1885 (which Machar, like many of her contemporaries, understood primarily as a conflict between French Catholics and English Protestants) and the Manitoba Schools’ Question, when Manitoba moved to abolish French as an official language, exacerbated tensions between English and French, fundamentally splitting the country along racial lines. The Indian and Métis roles in the Northwest Rebellion seemed to reveal Native peoples not as heroic allies but as desperate peoples driven to violence and requiring firm, gentle guidance. The relationship between all these founding peoples becomes the focus of Marjorie’s Canadian Winter.

From “Abundantly Worthy of its Past”: Agnes Maule Machar and Early Canadian Historical Fiction [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:208 Info

Author Bio for Machar, Agnes Maule

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Agnes Maule Machar (23 January 1837 – 24 January 1927) was a Canadian author and social reformer.

Machar was a prolific writer. Her first published book, Faithful Unto Death, was a memorial to a janitor at Queen's, published in 1859. Her 1870 novel, Katie Johnstone's Cross, won the Campbell's Prize (offered by Toronto publisher James Campbell and Son), and she won the same prize again the next year for Lucy Raymond. In 1874 she received another prize, this time for For King and Country, awarded by The Canadian Monthly and National Review; the novel is probably her best known work. Writing under her own name, and the pseudonym Fidelis, Machar published at least eight novels, a biography of her father, and many poems and essays. An anthology of her poetry, Lays of the "True North" and Other Canadian Poems was published in 1899, and she coauthored six historical works.--Wikipedia.

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