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The Winning of Popular Government: A Chronicle of the Union of 1841 (Chronicles of Canada #27)

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Book Details

Title:The Winning of Popular Government: A Chronicle of the Union of 1841 (Chronicles of Canada #27)
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar   
(5 of 5 for author by title)
There Go the Ships
Jefferys, C. W. (Charles William)   
(28 of 29 for author by title)
The Woman Question
The War Chief of the Ottawas: A Chronicle of the Pontiac War (Chronicles of Canada #15)
Bradish, Alvah   
Browning, G.   
Lawrence, Thomas   
Notman, William McFarlane   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Through Mountains and Canyons - The Canadian Rockies
Published:   1916
Publisher:Glasgow, Brook & Company
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, non-fiction, Union
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:85 Info

Author Bio for MacMechan, Archibald McKellar

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Archibald MacMechan (1862-1933) was a Canadian scholar and historian. Born in Ontario and educated at the University of Toronto, he excelled at languages and was an excellent writer. In 1889 he married Edith May Cowan and the same year he was appointed as Professor of English Language and Literature at Dalhousie University in Halifax. His early books were of a general scholastic nature but he quickly became interested in the local history of Nova Scotia and the Maritimes. Over the course of his career he wrote over 30 books many of them dealing with Maritime folk-lore and history. He also wrote hundreds of articles for Canadian magazines and newspapers on a variety of subjects. He was awarded many honours during his life including being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and was awarded the Lorne Pierce medal presented in recognition of his contributions to Canadian literature. (Archibald MacMechan: Canadian Man of Letters, Janet E. Baker)

Author Bio for Jefferys, C. W. (Charles William)

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Charles William Jefferys (August 25, 1869—October 8, 1951) was a Canadian painter, illustrator, author, and teacher best known as a historical illustrator.

Born in Rochester, England, Jefferys arrived in Toronto, Ontario (after living in Philadelphia and Hamilton, Ontario) with his family around 1880. After attending school, he apprenticed with the york, Lithography Company from 1885 to 1890. From 1889 to 1892 he worked for the Toronto Globe as an illustrator and artist. From 1893 to 1901, he worked for the New York Herald. Returning to Toronto, he became a magazine and book illustrator. Along with Ivor Lewis and other artists, Jefferys co-founded the Graphic Arts Club (later named the Canadian Society of Graphic Art), which by the 1940s became the primary artists' group in Canada. As well, from 1912 to 1939 he taught painting and drawing in the Department of Architecture at the University of Toronto.--Wikipedia.

Author Bio for Notman, William McFarlane

William McFarlane Notman (1857-1913) was a Canadian photographer. He worked for the firm William Notman & Sons. The company was formed by his father, also named William Notman (1826-1891). The company flourished and the family became quite wealthy. They took pictures of people and landscapes and over the course of their careers amassed thousands of photographs, a visual chronicle of their time. The collection now resides at McGill University. (The World of William Notman)

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