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Boomerang Hunter

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Jim Kjelgaard (1910-1959)

Book Details

Title:Boomerang Hunter
Kjelgaard, Jim (James Arthur)   
(3 of 43 for author by title)
Buckskin Brigade
The Black Fawn
Published:   1959
Publisher:E. M. Hale and Company
Tags:adventure, animals, Australia, fiction, hunting, wilderness, aborigine

This strange story might have taken place a few years or a few thousand years ago.

Balulu is an Australian aborigine. He is a desert hunter whose life is an endless search for food and water. He has never worn clothing, never heard of a building, never seen any humans except other wandering tribesmen. Everything he owns he has made himself and can carry with him: his curved boomerangs and long spears, his throwing stick and implements for making fire.

Yet Balulu has other possessions: a hunter's keen senses and tireless endurance, vast knowledge and understanding of animals, the ability to find his way across unmarked desert. Best of all, he has the friendship and loyalty of Warrigal, the big, red-furred dingo he has tamed.

This is the adventurous saga of Balulu and the dog-like dingo. As in Fire-Hunter and Wild Trek, Jim Kjelgaard makes the ever-appealing theme of primitive wilderness survival come to vivid life. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:123 Info

Author Bio for Kjelgaard, Jim (James Arthur)

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James Arthur Kjelgaard (1910-1959) was an American author of young adult literature. Born in New York City, New York, Kjelgaard is the author of more than 40 novels, the most famous of which is 1945's Big Red. It was made into a 1962 Walt Disney film with the same title, Big Red. His books were primarily about dogs and wild animals, often with animal protagonists and told from the animal's point of view. Kjelgaard also wrote short fiction for several magazines, including The Saturday Evening Post, Argosy and Adventure.

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