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New York Nocturnes

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Book Details

Title:New York Nocturnes
Stringer, Arthur   
(11 of 20 for author by title)
Red Wine of Youth, A Life of Rupert Brooke
In Bad with Sinbad
Published:   1948
Publisher:The Ryerson Press
Tags:non-fiction, poetry


The City

The Geese Go North

The Elms at the Plaza

Christmas-Trees in West Street

The Poet in Battery Park

The Jersey Meadows

Night Club in War-Time

The Lover in the Subway

The Seeing-Eye Dog

Midnight in Wall Street

Robin in Gramercy Park

The Art Gallery at Dusk

The Penguin at the Plaza

Spider Under Brooklyn Bridge

Night Rain on Broadway

The Avenue in War-Time

Pigeon Feeder in Bryant Park

East-Side Teacher

To a Certain Millionaire

Aran Girl on Ellis Island [Suggest a different description.]


Author Bio for Stringer, Arthur

Author Image

Arthur Stringer (February 26, 1874 – September 13, 1950) was a Canadian novelist, screenwriter, and poet who later moved to the United States.

He published 45 works of fiction and 15 other books, in addition to writing numerous filmscripts and articles.

Stringer was popular in his day for his crime fiction and his wilderness adventures, but he wrote in many genres, from social realism (his "Prairie" trilogy, 1915–1921) to psychological fiction (The Wine of Life (1921)). He even wrote early science fiction novels, The Story Without a Name (1924) with Russell Holman, and The Woman Who Couldn't Die (1929).

Much of his writing was for films. Film scripts on which he worked include The Perils Of Pauline (1914), The Hand Of Peril (1916), The House Of Intrigue (1919), Unseeing Eyes (1923), Empty Hands (1924), The Canadian (1926), The Purchase Price (1932), The Lady Fights Back (1937), Buck Benny Rides Again (1940) and The Iron Claw (1941).--Wikipedia.

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