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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Jim Kjelgaard (1910-1959)

Book Details

Kjelgaard, Jim (James Arthur)   
(15 of 43 for author by title)
Forest Patrol
Fawn in the Forest and Other Wild Animal Stories
Ray, Ralph   
(2 of 3 for author by title)
Gandhi--Fighter without a Sword
Buckskin Brigade
Published:   1951
Publisher:Holiday House
Tags:adventure, fiction

"Fire-Hunter is the story of Hawk, a pre-historic man who is banished from his tribe for breaking the tribal law by inventing a spear-launching tool. He is left behind with Willow, an injured young woman abandoned by the tribe because of her inability to travel in the nomadic lifestyle they employ. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:107 Info

Author Bio for Kjelgaard, Jim (James Arthur)

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James Arthur Kjelgaard (December 6, 1910-July 12, 1959) was an American author of young adult literature.

Born in New York City, New York, Jim Kjelgaard is the author of more than forty novels, the most famous of which is 1945's Big Red. It sold 225,000 copies by 1956 and was made into a 1962 Walt Disney film with the same title, Big Red. His books were primarily about dogs and wild animals, often with animal protagonists and told from the animal's point of view. Kjelgaard also wrote short fiction for several magazines, including The Saturday Evening Post, Argosy and Adventure.

Jim Kjelgaard committed suicide in Phoenix, Arizona in 1959, after suffering for several years from chronic pain and depression.--Wikipedia.

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