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The Trojan Women

Book Details

Title:The Trojan Women
Murray, George Gilbert Aimé   
(38 of 41 for author by title)
The Turmoil of War: XIII from "Faith, War and Policy"
The Suppliant Women (Supplices)
(5 of 5 for author by title)
Published:   1905
Publisher:George Allen & Unwin
Tags:drama, Euripides, fiction, Greek, tragedy

Tragedy, centred on the fate of the women of Troy after the destruction of their city. Often thought to be a protest by Euripides against the Peloponnesian War. [Suggest a different description.]

Comments:ca. 415 B.C.
Pages:64 Info

Author Bio for Murray, George Gilbert Aimé

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George Gilbert Aimé Murray, OM (2 January 1866 - 20 May 1957) was an Australian-born British classical scholar and public intellectual, with connections in many spheres. He was an outstanding scholar of the language and culture of Ancient Greece, perhaps the leading a. uthority in the first half of the twentieth century.

After emigrating to Britain with his mother in 1877, he became in 1889-1899, Professor of Greek at the University of Glasgow. After 1908 he was Regius Professor of Greek at the University of Oxford.

Murray is perhaps now best known for his verse translations of Greek drama, which were popular and prominent in their time. As a poet he was generally taken to be a follower of Swinburne; and had little sympathy from the modernist poets of the rising generation. The staging of Athenian drama in English did have its own cultural impact. He had earlier experimented with his own prose dramas, without much success. He was one of the scholars associated with Jane Harrison in the myth-ritual school of mythography

He was a lifelong supporter of the Liberal Party, lining up on the Irish Home Rule and non-imperialist sides of the splits in the party of the late nineteenth century. He supported temperance, and married into a prominent Liberal, aristocratic and temperance family, the Carlisles.

For a brief period Murray became closely involved with the novelist H. G. Wells. Murray is often identified as a humanist, typically with some qualification ('classical', 'scholarly', 'engaged', 'liberal'). He wrote and broadcast extensively on religion (Greek, Stoic and Christian); and wrote several books dealing with his version of humanism.--Wikipedia.

Author Bio for Euripides

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Euripedes (c480-405 BC) was a Greek playwright. A contemporary of Aeschylus and Sophocles, he is admired for his modern attitudes and incisive insights into psychology. He wrote between 80 to 90 plays of which 17 remain. The qualities of his tragic plays that most intrigue modern readers are his biting social criticism and his subtle psychological analyses of his characters, unlike the heroic and larger than life characters portrayed by Aeschylus and Sophocles. (Benet's Encyclopedia for Readers)

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