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The Seigneurs of Old Canada: A Chronicle of New-World Feudalism (Chronicles of Canada #5)

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Book Details

Title:The Seigneurs of Old Canada: A Chronicle of New-World Feudalism (Chronicles of Canada #5)
Munro, William Bennett   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 2, Section 1, New France, Part 2. Vol 2 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #2)
Smith, W. W.   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Canada and its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions by One Hundred Associates. Vol. 2, Section 1, New France, Part 2. Vol 2 of 23 (Canada and its Provinces #2)
Huot, Charles   
Krieghoff, Cornelius   
Published:   1914
Publisher:Glasgow, Brook & Company
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, non-fiction
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:104 Info

Author Bio for Munro, William Bennett

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William Bennett Munro (1875-1957) was a Canadian historian and political scientist. Born in Almonte, Ontario, he taught history at Williams College in Massachusetts and Harvard University. He was interested in Canadian affairs and wrote several books on the history of New France. Notable books include: "The Seignioral System in Canada", "A Study in French Colonial Policy" and "Documents Relating to the Seigniorial Tenure in Canada, 1598-1854". He published "American Influences on Canadian Government" in 1929 which was one of the most important pieces of continentalist scholarship published in the interwar period. (Marianopolis College)

Author Bio for Krieghoff, Cornelius

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Cornelius Krieghoff (1815-1872) was a renowned Canadian of oil paintings. Born of Dutch heritage, he trained in Germany. After a brief stint in the US Army, he and his wife moved to Montreal in 1846. There he made a prosperous career painting scenes of life in the country. He is especially known for his paintings of winter scenes and rural life. He also portrayed First Nation peoples of the area, most notably the people of Caughnawaga, and at Quebec, those of Lorette. His paintings were much sought after during his lifetime and are still desired today and are featured in many museums and galleries. (Dictionary of Canadian Biography)

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