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Blue Pete: Half-Breed

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Book Details

Title:Blue Pete: Half-Breed
Amy, William Lacey  Writing under the pseudonym: Allan, Luke   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
Murder at the Club
Published:   1921
Publisher:The James A. McCann Company
Tags:Canada, fiction, western

Blue Pete was a Métis from Montana. He moved to the Cypress Hills, near Medicine Hat, Alberta when things got too hot for him in the States. He had been a cattle rustler but once in Alberta he was warned by a young Mountie that he would be quickly arrested and punished if he did not follow Canadian laws. Blue Pete and his pinto pony, Whiskers, found a good friend in Corporal Mahon, his young Mountie friend. Adventures follow on the Canadian prairie with old adversaries from south of the border and maybe even a Canadian love interest! [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:167 Info

Author Bio for Amy, William Lacey

William Lacey Amy (1877-1962), "Luke Allan", was a Canadian journalist and writer of western and mystery fiction. He was born in Sydenham, Ontario. A journalist by training he worked for the Medicine Hat Times in 1905 where he worked at reporting, before becoming its editor and later its owner. During his time at the paper he learned the writing profession and he wrote his first short story which appeared in the Canadian Magazine in 1911. The story, "Blue Pete, the Sentimental Half Breed" formed the basis for the series of novels which he would contribute to over the next 45 years. In the 1930s, he began writing novels sometimes two per year. At this time he began publishing under the pseudonym Luke Allan. He published about 20 novels in the Blue Pete series which were set in western Canada. He portrayed the North West Mounted Police as a powerful force limiting crime. Thus his novels centred more on mystery themes rather than banditry. He also wrote seven novels with a detective protagonist, Gordon Mildrew. (The Life and Opinions of William Lacey Amy)

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