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Helen Keller in Scotland

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Book Details

Title:Helen Keller in Scotland
Keller, Helen   
(1 of 6 for author by title)
Let Us Have Faith
Love, James Kerr   
Published:   1933
Publisher:Methuen & Co. Ltd.
Tags:autobiography, non-fiction, Scotland, travel

This collection of letters and speeches records chiefly experiences surrounding the Honorary Degree conferred upon me by the University of Glasgow. . . . The only reason for printing them is the hope that the story they tell of the general outlook upon the education of the handicapped and the lesson they teach of courage and victory over limitation, may prove of some interest and value to people with unimpaired faculties.--from the Preface. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:167 Info

Author Bio for Keller, Helen

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Helen Adams Keller (1880–1968) was an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer. Born in West Tuscumbia, Alabama, she lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness when she was 19 months old. She then communicated primarily using home signs until the age of seven, when she met her first teacher and life-long companion Anne Sullivan. Sullivan taught Keller language, including reading and writing. After an education at both specialist and mainstream schools, Keller attended Radcliffe College of Harvard University and became the first deafblind person in the United States to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.—Wikipedia

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