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The Trent Affair of 1861

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Book Details

Title:The Trent Affair of 1861
Landon, Fred   
(33 of 35 for author by title)
Trial and Punishment of the Patriots Captured at Windsor in December 1838
Sixty Years of the C.P.R. Great Lakes Fleet
Published:   1922
Publisher:University of Toronto Press
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, American Civil War

In 1861, two Confederate diplomats were travelling to Europe on a British steamer on a mission to raise support for their cause when the vessel was stopped on the high seas by a Union naval vessel. They were removed from the British ship and arrested. The high-handed nature of the episode caused a major diplomatic scandal between Britain and the Americans and threatened to bring them to war alongside the Confederates. Cooler heads prevailed and the Confederate diplomats were released. Ironically, their mission to Europe proved fruitless. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:13 Info

Author Bio for Landon, Fred

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Fred Landon (1880-1969) was a Canadian historian. He worked as journalist and a librarian and then was hired by the University of Western Ontario. 25 years later he was Dean of graduate studies. Landon wrote books and articles on the history of early Ontario. Some of his notable articles studied the history of African Canadians in Upper Canada. (Ontario Historical Society)

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