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To Lhasa in Disguise

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Book Details

Title:To Lhasa in Disguise
McGovern, William Montgomery   
Published:   1924
Publisher:Thornton Butterworth, Ltd.
Tags:India, non-fiction, travel, Tibet

William Montgomery McGovern was an American adventurer, anthropologist and journalist. Beginning in Darjeeling and traveling via Sikkim, India, McGovern sneaked into Tibet disguised as a coolie porter. As Time magazine reported in 1938: With a few Tibetan servants, he climbed through the wild, snowy passes of the Himalayas. There, in the bitter cold, he stood naked while a servant covered his body with brown stain and squirted lemon juice into his blue eyes to darken them. Thus disguised as a fellow coolie, he arrived in Lhasa without being detected, but disclosed himself to the civilian officials. A fanatical mob led by Buddhist monks stoned his house. The civil government took him into protective custody and sent him back to India with an escort but not until he had already had a private interview with the Dalai Lama. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:315 Info

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