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The Miracle of the Bells

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Book Details

Title:The Miracle of the Bells
Janney, Russell   
Published:   1946
Publisher:Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Tags:fiction, romance, film/TV adaptation

This is a joyous novel about the four days when the church bells rang day and night in a small Pennsylvania town. It is an astounding chronicle of the transformation of a mining community from spiritual poverty to gladness and brotherhood. In a narrow sense, The Miracle of the Bells is a novel about the devotion of a press agent to the memory of a young movie actress. The bellringing was a publicity stunt thought up by Bill Dunnigan, Hollywood press agent. He wanted to attract attention to the unreleased film starring Olga Treskovna. But in the middle of Dunnigan’s planned publicity, a strange unplanned thing happens at the little Church of St. Michael the Archangel. Dunnigan learns that he has to top a miracle! The story of how the spectacular event at the little church is overshadowed by what goes on in the hearts of the people is one of joyousness in life that will sweep the reader into a delightful liberating experience all too infrequent in modern fiction.—From the dust jacket [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:532 Info

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