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The Girl who Had to Die

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Book Details

Title:The Girl who Had to Die
Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay   
(1 of 3 for author by title)
The Unfinished Crime
Published:   1940
Tags:fiction, mystery
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:157 Info

Author Bio for Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding, née Elizabeth Sanxay, was born on June 18, 1889 in Brooklyn and died on February 7, 1955 (aged 65) in the Bronx. She married a British diplomat George E. Holding in 1913 and travelled with him to his posts in South America and the Caribbean, finally settling in Bermuda. She wrote both novels and short stories, beginning with romances in the 1920s. After the 1929 Crash, she made the rather surprising switch from romantic literature to hardboiled crime fiction. It paid more, and as it turned out, she was extraordinarily good at it. Raymond Chandler called her "the top suspense writer of them all." Beginning with Miasma in 1929, she wrote 18 crime novels featuring her detective Lieutenant Levy.

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