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Dynamic Democracy (Macmillan War Pamphlets #15)

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Book Details

Title:Dynamic Democracy (Macmillan War Pamphlets #15)
Williams, Francis   
Published:   1941
Publisher:Macmillan & Co., Ltd
Tags:essay, non-fiction, war

A treatise on the subject of Trade Unionism in wartime. The determination of the Trades Unions to co-operate in our war effort, their attitude towards Industrial conscription, the increasingly realised importance of their status, the contribution they can make to post-war reconstruction—these are some of the questions Mr. Williams deals with. This pamphlet persuasively supports his conviction that, so far from curtailing or suspending our practice of democracy, the war has strengthened and expanded it. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:37 Info

Author Bio for Williams, Francis

Francis Williams (1903-1970) was a British journalist and author. He worked as a reporter for a number of papers before becoming editor of the Daily Herald in 1936. In 1941 he was appointed Controller of Press Censorship to support the war effort. After the war he became the public relations advisor to Prime Minister Clement Atlee. He was governor of the BBC from 1951 to 1952 and was given a life peerage as Baron Francis-Williams, of Abinger in the County of Surrey. He wrote several books on history and socialism, a philosophy he adhered to after seeing the deplorable conditions of life in England at the time. (University of Cambridge)

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