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The Cutters

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Title:The Cutters
Aldrich, Bess Streeter   
(1 of 7 for author by title)
A Lantern in her Hand
Published:   1926
Publisher:A. L. Burt Company
Tags:family, family life, fiction

Bess Streeter Aldrich has made a big place for herself among novel readers by her wholesome, happy and truthful stories of American small-town life. In The Cutters she takes a family that is typical of many thousands of homes and portrays it with humor and sympathy.

The Cutter family, Nell Cutter, Ed Cutter, Grandmother Cutter, and the Cutter children, are normal people who are no plaster saints. Theirs is a Middle-Western town--the sort of town that most everyone has lived in at one time or another. They are the family who may have lived next door. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:126 Info

Author Bio for Aldrich, Bess Streeter

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Bess Streeter Aldrich (1881-1954) was an American author. Born in Cedar Falls, Iowa, she attended Iowa State Normal School and then taught for four years. After marrying Charles Aldrich, they settled in Elmwood, Nebraska which became the setting for many of her stories. Inspired by a writing contest in Ladies Home Journal she began writing. Her first book, “Mother Mason”, a compilation of short stories, was published in 1924. When her husband died in 1925, she focused on writing as a means of support. She drew upon her family's pioneering heritage for source material for her stories. She was keenly aware of early life on the prairie frontier, for her parents were pioneers of northeastern Iowa. Many of her short stories appeared in magazines and at least one of her books, “Miss Bishop”, was made into a movie called “Cheers for Miss Bishop”. (History Nebraska, Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation)

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